Sunday, November 13, 2016

Proper Warm-Up Protocols

Elevating Human Performance Through Proper Nutrition and Resistance Training

Before the exercise session can even begin, it’s imperative that the individual goes through a warm-up phase of training to ensure that they get maximum results while at the same time helping reduce the risk of potential injury associated with the workout. The benefits of a thorough, well-planned warm-up phase includes physiological effects such as: “increases central nervous system function (improving such qualities as coordination and reaction speed to name just a few), makes muscles more pliable, and facilitates joint lubrication”.1 Other benefits include a higher body temperature and a more efficient way to deliver nutrients throughout the body as a result of a slightly higher blood pressure. These facts alone are more than enough to prove that an individual who properly warms-up will be at a much greater advantage of having an efficient workout compared to the individual who just goes through the motions without having an effective warm-up regime.
There are several types of ways an individual can prep the body for exercise, but for the sake of time and space, I will just stick to two: dynamic stretching and progressive aerobic. “An ideal intensity for an aerobic warm-up has yet to be established, but a basic guideline is to work at a level that produces a small amount of perspiration, but doesn't leave you feeling fatigued.”2 Think of hopping on a stationary bike or even an elliptical for 5-10 minutes for moderate intensity. This part of the warm-up phase is only designed to get the individual to work up a small sweat to ensure the core temperature of the body is increasing.
The dynamic stretching portion of the warm-up phase can be simplified into essentially mimicking the exercises to be performed in the workout itself. For example, if you plan on back squatting during the exercise, a proper dynamic stretch would be to perform bodyweight squat jumps to prime the lower portion of the kinetic chain (glutes, hamstrings, hip flexors, calves) for the workout.

All in all, warming up is essential if the individual wants to have an efficient and effective workout. It can last as little as 5-10 minutes but the benefits will without a doubt carry over into a workout that can lasts up to or over an hour in length.

1Staley, C. (2000, July 28). Warming-Up to a Great Workout | T Nation. Retrieved October 27, 2016, from

2Warm Up to Work Out. (n.d.). Retrieved October 27, 2016, from


  1. Yeah a lot of people do not realize that the purpose of a warm-up is just to simply warm-up the body. The body needs good circulation and needs the synovial fluid to be thinner in order to move properly and efficiently.

  2. Very insightful! Most people do not understand the importance of a warm-up. Good blog.
