Sunday, December 4, 2016

Method Benefits for a Specific Sport

           I hear it all the time in the weight room. How can I get faster? How can I get more explosive? How can I prevent fatigue? How can I be more successful in my sport? In my previous blogs, I have explained the four training methods which are conjugate, concurrent, 5:3:1, and sequential. For this blog, I will discuss what sport I think is best for each method and an explanation for my reasoning.
The conjugate method has many benefits for an athlete. Conjugate method avoids traditional pitfalls of linear periodization by addressing all types of strength in the same training period, such as absolute strength, strength endurance, speed-strength, explosive strength, and accelerating strength.1 The types of strength listed are all things the conjugate brings to an athlete. Important modifications for athletes in the conjugate method include sport-specific practices, agility work, and conditioning. This method is best suited for sports with explosive movement and strength. Sports like football, rugby, and basketball.
The concurrent method highlights the importance of strength and endurance for all elite level athletes. A study done on 21 soccer athletes in an 8 week program of aerobic interval training at 90-95% max heart rate and maximal strength training 4x4 reps of half squat showed significant improvement in endurance, sprint speed, jump height, and overall strength. What is interesting is that aerobic training had no negative effect on speed or power development when combined with basic strength training.2 This method would be very beneficial to soccer players, basketball players, track runners, and possibly cross country runners.
           The simplicity of the 5:3:1 makes it hard to determine what sport it would best suit. Since it is based purely on strength gains, it is hard to say whether it would be as beneficial for certain athletes as the concurrent and conjugate method. With any sport, the basic barbell lifts are the best and most efficient ways to train the entire body. Incorporate creative assistant work for a particular sport, and you’ll have a complete strength training program.4 The 5:3:1 is not very specific or sports oriented. Although, with proper modifications and sports specific assistant work, I believe this method could be advantageous for sports like football, track throwers, and rugby.
           The sequential method uses specific time intervals and useful periodization to avoid detraining and boredom.3 This method has many possible variations for different level of lifters. Adding special cardio designated for a particular sport is crucial for this method's success. This method is beneficial for football, basketball, track, or baseball.

1Cressey, E. (n.d.). The Westside System of Powerlifting: Applications for Athletes. Retrieved November 17, 2016, from
2Foy, K. (n.d.). Benefits of concurrent strength & endurance training in soccer. Retrieved November 17, 2016, from
3Jovanović, M. (n.d.). Overview of Periodization Methods for Resistance Training. Retrieved November 17, 2016, from
4Wendler, J. (n.d.). 5/3/1 and Athletes | T Nation. Retrieved November 17, 2016, from  

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