Sunday, December 4, 2016

How to get started with exercise!

It is not always easy when an individual decides to begin exercising and implementing healthier behaviors in their life. It will often take a great amount of work and consistency. The best thing to do is find a routine or a system that works the best for you and your body.

My previous statement is something I cannot reiterate enough; find what works the best for you!! No one person is alike physically or emotionally and not one person has been through the same journey.. Only you can know your experiences, your body, and your future goals.
Here are some small changes that you can make in your everyday life to help ease into exercising1:
  • Plan a 10 minute walk after meals.
    • This will help get your blood flowing, help you possibly eat less, and you meet the minimum requirement for exercise and health.
  • Be an early riser.
    • An extra 30 minutes a day doing a simple workout video, small job, or even yoga can improve your wellness routine and lifestyle.
  • Choose to be active.
    • Move more in your everyday life, because it does add up. Take the stairs, walk your dog, find a parking spot on the other end of the supermarket.
  • Make exercise a priority.
    • Everyone today is busy with work, kids, etc. However, your health and life is just as important, therefore, make time for yourself and treat yourself to that healthy life you want.
  • No one is perfect.
    • It is perfectly alright to have a bad day, but do not let that one bad day decide that your exercise routine is not working.
As I have mentioned in my previous blogs, the best way to remember what to do when you exercise are the Health Related Fitness Components.  Those are the basic building blocks of exercise; they help work and keep your body well. So while you think about those components while trying these tips the system can flow into an easier process for a healthier, better life.

1Drew, K. (2016, November 17). Easing Into Exercise Habits. Retrieved from American College of Sports Medicine:
2The Cooper Institue. (2016, September 28). FITNESSGRAM. Retrieved from The Cooper Institute:

1 comment:

  1. I love the tips you gave on making small changes. These are simple and anyone can do them!
