Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Metabolic Resistance Training For The Win

Metabolic Resistance Training For The Win

There are numerous different training styles out there that can be utilized. Some work better than others for certain users. This style of resistance training is not for the faint hearted, it is tough on you mentally and physically. There are definitely results that can be seen with this gut wrenching style of lifting. Metabolic Resistance Training or (MRT) training like this includes very high intensity and speed with low rest, along with circuits and supersets. 1This is not the usual resistance training you hear about that only taps 25 or 30% of the body's "change capacity," whereas MRT taps into 50. 1When MRT is used properly in a workout regime it can help you build muscle, burn fat and gain strength at the same time.
During a workout when you are utilizing MRT you can use quite a bunch of calories. The circuits and routines that you use vary, but in some cases it can reach up to1600 calories. MRT kicks your body into high gear and helps you to get the fat to burn!

The Stages on Metabolic Resistance Training

1: Crunch Time
The first stage you are going to make sure that you are working more than you are resting. You do this by having high repetition sets, or going to failure. That means lift until the lactate threshold has been met. This means that lactic acid has built up enough in the muscle to hinder the process of lifting anymore. If you aren't pushing yourselves to these extremes then your metabolic effects are going to suffer

2: More Muscles More Energy
1MRT should be a total-body routine that works all the major muscles each session. Since the metabolic cost of an exercise relates directly to the amount of muscle worked, incorporate multi-joint exercises whenever possible. This is not a way that you want to train everyday, you need to take days off. Being that this style of workout is so rigorous, you have to allow time for the body to receive adequate recuperation time.

3: Speedy To Slowly
Unlike some  say your repetitions during these lifts should be of moderate speed. Slow speed is not what you are going to want. Studies have suggested otherwise in this case. 1Aim to perform concentric lifts as explosively as possible without sacrificing clean technique. During your lifts you go through the eccentric phase and that phase you are going to want to be slower. You have the weight working against you along with gravity and then you are going at a slower pace to continue the build of lactate.

This is a very hardcore way to train and can be very beneficial in your training process. If you are looking to gain muscle and lose fat all at once this might be the way that you would want to go. If this is the chosen route make sure you are prepared to give your all 100% of the time, because it is what is expected.


1Schoenfield, B. (2012, January 12). METABOLIC RESISTANCE TRAINING: BUILD MUSCLE AND TORCH FAT AT ONCE! Retrieved from http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/metabolic-resistance-training-build-muscle-torch-fat.html

1 comment:

  1. MRT is a huge part of the workouts that I conduct at D1 sports training. The clients love it, and feel as if they get more out of their workout than just going to the gym and pumping iron. I areee, if your not mentally ready for it, it will destroy you. Good post!
