Monday, June 13, 2016

Lets Help to Slow The Breaking Down of Muscle with L-Glutamine.

Lets help to slow the breaking down of muscle with L-Glutamine.

Glutamine is unique, as it is the most common amino acid found in the body and is essential to help prevent deterioration of the muscle. It is also produced naturally in the body and over 61% of skeletal muscle is Glutamine.1 Glutamine consists of 19% nitrogen, making it the primary transporter of nitrogen into your muscle cells. In my personal opinion glutamine is a necessity when considering beneficial supplements for weightlifters.

It has been termed as the miracle supplement; glutamine is heavily used when you are lifting weights. While you are lifting weights you levels of glutamine begin to deplete. 1As the levels are depleting you start to lose strength along with loss of stamina and recovery ability. In some cases it is said to take 6 days to fully recover from depleted glutamine levels. By taking it as a supplement it speeds up the recovery process along with helping with protein metabolism and fat metabolism. Glutamine helps support new muscle growth by increasing your bodies ability to secrete human growth hormone.1 Research has shown Glutamine can help you produce growth hormone levels.1 A study has shown 2 grams of L-Glutamine increased growth hormones by over 400%. 1 It truly helps because it has an anti-catabolic effect which helps to prevent the breakdown of the muscle.
Immunity is a common topic when talking about being healthy. To be able to get the maximum results from your workout you want to strive to be  healthy. Glutamine plays a large role in helping your body to stay immune to diseases and overall repair of the body. This is important to weight lifters because you are constantly using up all of your glutamine and you are going to want to replace what you have used because your immune system feeds off of glutamine. It helps to strengthen the immunity of your intestines. 1It does this by helping  maintain the overall structure of your bowels.
This is a supplement that I personally take on a daily basis and would recommend to anyone (athlete, general population, or weightlifter). If you lift weights you can see all the benefits. Although you do not have to lift weights to receive benefits from this amazing supplement. If you take this it helps in more ways than just helping to prevent the breakdown of muscle. For those who have diseases that hinder to production of glutamine take this to help them get the glutamine that they have needed. With everything that has been said how can you not want to take this supplement? You get all the benefits with pretty much zero downside so what more could you ask for.


1Author, C. (2016, May 25). The Benefits Of Glutamine! Retrieved from

1 comment:

  1. Great Blog! Didn't know it took 6 days to fully recover from depleted glutamine levels- very informative.
