Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Common Causes and Treatments of Obesity

It is a scary thought, but obesity is all around us. Common causes of this disease include:

  • lack of energy balance (more is put in than comes out)
  • inactive lifestyles
  • the environment in which we live
  • genetics
  • health conditions such as imbalanced hormones
  • medication  
  • emotions
  • smoking (the quitting phase)
  • age
  • pregnancy
  • lack of sleep

Lack of Energy Balance - Energy balance refers to how much energy (food/drink) is put in compared to how much energy (staying alive, physical activity) is expelled . People tend to eat too much and not move enough, leading to obesity. People make excuses for being inactive whether it be because of a work commitment  or an overload of school work. Some people just do not want to be active and sit in front of their TV or computer too much.

Environment - It does not help that our environment does not support a healthy lifestyle. There are a lack of sidewalks and bike lanes for walkers, runners, and cyclists.

Genetics and Upbringing - Unfortunately genetics is a major cause of obesity. Children that have one or both parents that are obese are more likely to follow in their footsteps. Genetic obesity may or may not have anything to do with lifestyle, it can still be passed along to the children. And if it is due to a poor lifestyle, then the children will learn to follow by example.

Emotional Factors -  People feel emotions such as anger, boredom, sadness, and/or stress and they turn to food to comfort them. It might make them feel better for a little bit, but when the emotions continue, then they continue to eat...and obesity follows.

Smoking Cessation - Smokers also face obesity. It happens when they decide to quit smoking (which is a good thing!). Food all of a sudden smells good and tastes good and they want to eat it and crave it.

As a personal trainer, I would encourage anyone who suffers from obesity to start some kind of exercise program. When paired with a nutrition plan that fits your lifestyle, you will start the process of becoming healthy and active. Obesity caused by lack of energy balance, inactive lifestyles, environmental factors, most cases of genetics, emotional factors, smoking cessation, age, and pregnancy can all be  treated with exercise and the right diet.

However, obesity caused by some types of genetics, health conditions, and medication factors can not always be treated with exercise and diet. Although it is still a good idea to exercise and eat well, it does not always treat obesity. There are various medical treatments available for these situations. Some of these methods include medications such as Xenical, Qsymia, Belviq and Alli. Medications are to be used when the individual has tried a lifestyle change for 6 months with no success. They can be used for overweight or obese individuals. There are also over the counter products that the FDA does not regulate because they are considered supplements. Weight loss surgery is also a popular treatment. In order to qualify for the surgery, patients have to have a BMI over 40 or have a BMI over 35 and also a condition that is life threatening. Two most common methods of weight loss surgery are gastroplasty and Roux-en-Y gastric bypass. Both of these methods involve limiting the amount of food that your stomach can hold. Gastric bypass even limits the number of calories that your body actually absorbs.

Although all of these medications and surgeries have been successful for a large number of people, diet and exercise should always be a priority.


Obesity. (n.d.). Retrieved May 29, 2016, from

Gastelu, D., Hatfield, F.C. (2013). Sports Nutrition. The International Sports Sciences Association, Inc.

1 comment:

  1. Just changing your nutrition plan can help so much! Are the weight loss surgery dangerous? I knew about them but have never really researched about them.
