Friday, November 15, 2013

Stress Does a Body Good

Stress, the one thing most people tend to avoid at all costs is a great thing…in moderation of course. Before I go any further, let’s get a couple things straight; stress is anything and everything you encounter throughout the day from working out (whether it is lifting or running), a stack of papers to write from your teacher, or the wind blowing in your face. Depending how large the stimulus is and whether we have been stressed by that stimulus before determines how we react to it. This way of looking at stress was created by Dr. Hans Selye, who dubbed the way we react to stress the General Adaptation Syndrome.  

The body is an amazing, resilient thing that can endure much more than we really think it can, or even bother to put it through.  As we encounter different stimuli, the body is broken down; the more stress put on by a single stimulus the deeper we are taken into a hole. The amazing thing is that as soon as we go to sleep that night, our bodies go to work to build ourselves back up. But it doesn't only take us back to where we were before we encountered that stimulus, it makes us stronger! The body will do whatever it needs to do to ensure that if that stimulus is encountered again, it will be much easier to endure. So the next time you think that you are stressed out for any reason, just remember you will be that much better tomorrow!


  1. Many people try to avoid stress in their lives. I know I do. But saying that, in moderation like you said can be a good thing for people. Not being stressed out in my opinion every once in a while means you are not pushing yourself to your fullest. Being stressed can make a person stronger just like you said. Our body can do a lot of things that we don't realize it will do. Ive always heard that the body will do whatever we put ourselves through. Its our mental thought process that holds back our bodies ability to do everything we try to push ourselves to do. Overall, great blog David, very interesting.

  2. I have mixed feelings about this study. I do agree that once you encounter a certain stress you become stronger and more prepared to face challenges the next time around. That’s like saying “taking one step back to take two steps forward.” On the other hand, stress can lead to negative affects. This can include weight gain, reduced energy, overwhelmed feelings, heart attacks (in extreme cases), less free time, and lack of sleep. Yes, stress may be good for you in certain circumstances but it can also take a toll on your body.
