Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Fitness Routine - Clean Eating and Lifting

I have always been an active individual; however, it wasn’t until this semester when I got serious about lifting and eating right that I have noticed benefits. I’m learning power lifting lifts, such as power cleans, snatch, and clean and jerk and also learning how to use kettle bells. I lift for an hour and a half, three times a week. In addition I rarely eat out, avoid fried foods, have limited red meat and cheese, and make an effort to eat “clean.” The clean eating makes a huge difference. Without eating healthier, I would not be seeing the benefits from lifting


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  2. You can visually think of your body as a V8 engine; for you car buffs out there. For your body to run at its peak level all your cylinders have to be firing. If you’re just working out and eating poorly your engine (Body) is only using 6 out of 8 cylinders. Your body needs exercise and nutrients to perform at a peak level. Exercising also releases endorphin's that make you feel better. Add nutritious meals and vitamins in the mix and you’ll be feeling great. A lot of times when people eat greasy and fattening foods they feel sluggish. Lifting, exercising, and nutrition play a huge part of your overall health and can help you feel great, look great, and live longer!

  3. "Abs are not made in the weight room, they are made in the kitchen." --one of my favorite "sayings"! What is a physical fitness routine without a healthy diet? Answer: NOTHING!
    When you are working out, you're body is a machine. You must fuel the machine with quality foods that help, not hinder.
    Keep up the great work, Annie!
