Monday, May 20, 2013

Fitness Motivation for Firemen

Sports marketing can be accomplished through many different techniques and tactics. A few of my favorite marketing techniques are apparel and video commercials. Nothing gets me more fired up than a television commercial that has awesome music playing in the background and an athlete running, lifting, pouring sweat, and working hard to achieve his goal. There is something about that intense workout visual that makes me want to head to the gym.
As a future firefighter, I know that my success in the field depends upon an elite level of physical fitness. Yet, many firemen, especially volunteer firemen, are often out of shape and overweight. By utilizing a sports marketing tactic, I believe I could influence those firemen who lack the motivation to workout. For example, imagine a video of a firefighter lifting weights in the gym and running outside with the sunrise in the distance, then quickly cut to a video of the same firefighter in full uniform as he runs into a building engulfed in flames, lifts up a rafter that fell on a young child, and carry’s the child to safety on his shoulders. This image of a strong, fit firefighter could stimulate the feeling of wanting to become more fit.
Consider taking a page from the sports marketing playbook if your program needs to improve its image or performance. Creating videos to market strength, fitness, and ‘saving the day” are cheap, effective methods for improving firefighting performance!  


  1. Colt your going to be a sexy fireman!

  2. Videos are a great way to get your message out there. Many people believe that spending money is the best way to market your product. Videos are free, all it just takes a little work and being a little creative.

  3. When children dream about what they want to be, I feel it goes astronaut, professional athlete, and then firefighter. Showing that firefighters can sustain an elite fitness level can motivate others and young children into staying on top of their game.

  4. That's an awesome visual! Got me FIRED UP!
    Thanks, Colt!

  5. 'A picture paints a thousand words' --- seems that the old adage is still true today! Videos promoting the importance of fitness could motivate firefighters to get in shape and stay in shape.
