Friday, November 21, 2014

The Myths About Doms

"Delayed onset muscle  soreness (DOMS), is muscle soreness that becomes evident six-to-eight hours following activity, peaking around 24 to 48 hours post-training."1 Muscle soreness usually occurs most frequently to those individuals that are not used to intense workouts, they are newcomers to the exercising world, or simply switching up their workout routine. There are a few myths individuals who are unaware about DOMS often to believe true.

Many people are under the impression that the cause of delayed onset muscle soreness is the culprit of the build-up of lactate acid, which isn’t the issue."People produce lactate all the time, even at rest. It clears your system 30-minutes to one-hour after working out."1 While you are lifting weights you most likely experience a burning sensation and this is caused by acidic build-up in the cells and the burning vanishes shortly after the exercise. “Instead, that soreness is actually caused by tears in your muscle that occur as you exercise—especially if you're just starting an exercise regimen: "It turns out that strenuous exercise leads to microscopic tears in the muscle, which leads to inflammation and soreness.”2 The tearing of the muscle repairs itself and you then build new healthy muscle tissue. Now, the tearing of the muscle fibers does not in any way sound like a good thing and that is why people believe that muscle damage is bad.  For your muscles to enhance and grow stronger the tearing of the tissues is the building block and is crucial for growth.

There is no cure or easy way out of DOMS but there are a few ways you can ease up the post-workout soreness. Going to get a massage is beneficial and it helps spread the blood and fluid throughout the body. “Other common ways to treat DOMS include foam rolling, contrast showers (alternating between hot and cold water), Epsom salt baths, increased protein intake (to increase protein synthesis) and omega-3 supplementation (to reduce inflammation), and sleep.”2 A day or 2 of DOMS is well worth it when you begin to see the physical, emotional, and mentally results. So don’t give up because you are waddlin’ around like a duck or have a hard time getting out of bed because the benefits are life changing!


1 Yu, C. (2014, August 5). No pain, no gain? 5 myths about post-workout muscle soreness.    

2 Henry, A. (2012, March 21). 10 Stubborn Exercise Myths that Won’t Die, Debunked by
Science. Retrieved November 17, 2014, from


  1. After reading this article I am glad to learn ways of releasing the soreness from a workout and also different techniques to not be sore. I feel that this article is a great way for new people of working out to know why they become so sore the next day.

  2. This article tought me about Delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) and that there main cause isn't lactic acid. It also showed me how to prevent DOMS like message or Espom salt baths ex...

  3. This article is very informative, I think that people will gain knowledge of what is DOMS and how to prevent it.

  4. This article gave me great ideas to get ride of soreness and I would hate to have DOMS so ill be sure to get rid of soreness before it starts.

  5. Great article! Very informative, and I was glad to learn some ways I could ease up some of the post-workout soreness.

  6. I liked this aricle alot considering the fact that I love to workout. I actually love the soreness because that's a sign telling me that i confused the muscles and made them work hard. Like it said in the article, thats also a sign of repairing which means they will be bigger and stronger.

  7. This is a good article due to the fact that it clears up a lot of debate on muscle soreness. I was always taught that it was the lactic acid that causes the muscle soreness and not the tearing of the muscles. This was a nice article to prove to people that both lactic acid, and muscles tears are both reasons as to why muscles get sore after a workout.

  8. Great way to explain soreness and why it is happening to newbies of the gym! Good tips on how to minimize the soreness.

  9. This article was very informing for me, because I didn't know what happened to the muscles and why they are sore from after a workout. This also helps me, because I get the burning sensation or soreness is my trapezius muscles all the time. I will be trying out the ways listed to ease up on the post soreness.

  10. I always use to be sore after working out. I guess it could be because in baseball we didn't workout a lot so when we did workout everybody would be sore. But one thing I always wanted to know was why the muscles were sore and this article told me.

  11. After reading this article I can say I'm truly glad to get as sore as I do after lifting heavy in the rec. This article will help me in that I can now explain to my friends and teammates why they feel the way that they do and that they should be happy about the soreness they get because it means they worked hard and its going to start paying off.

  12. I have worked out since I was a kid. Many times that I was soar I never wondered why. I always just knew it was because I worked out for the first time in a long time. Its good to read about what caused soreness.

  13. I have been working out for a long time and I never understood for sure what made you sore so this is a great article for me to understand exactly about what happens and what to do about it.

  14. I have never heard about DOMS until I read this article, and now I can inform my friends and family about why they are sore

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