Friday, March 8, 2013

The Diet Craze

People’s hunger for nutrition and diet knowledge is at an all time high!  Diet books are best sellers and many magazines are now offering and featuring advice on diet and nutrition.  Much of the information out there is for the purpose of making a profit rather than improving the public’s overall long-term health.  With so much information available, some of it contradictory or utterly false, it’s no wonder people feel overwhelmed and don’t know what to believe or where to start. 
For those who want to lose weight, it should be noted that obsessively controlling the consumption of one nutrient, such as carbohydrates or fat, will not result in optimal long-term health benefits.  Yes, weight loss may occur but the loss is typically temporary as it is a lifestyle diet that can be sustained without experiencing negative side effects.  To debunk the many diet myths that are prevalent in society today, I will address some of the hot topics related to nutrition in a blog series.  Topics will include things like:  Organic vs. Non-Organic, High Protein vs. Vegetarian or Vegan, Soy- is it good for you?, Do carbohydrates make you fat, The Fat Debate:  Saturated, Unsaturated, Trans?, Vitamins and Supplements?
As a health professional, I have been researching these nutrition topics for some time and promise to keep information fact-based and un-biased.  Check back soon for the first blog of the nutrition series as I discuss the pros and cons of the debate concerning Organic vs. Non-Organic.


  1. There is so much out there on the market about all kinds of diets and some really do contradict each other and when looking and reading about different diets that are popular it can become overwhelming with which one do you do or where do you even start. I would agree with you about the how controlling the consumption of one nutrient can only lead to temporary weight loss. I have seen time after time a family member control how much carbohydrates they consume and they will lose weight but soon after they stop controlling that consumption of the carbohydrate they gain the weight back or even sometimes more. I can’t wait to read about your blog Organic vs. Non-Organic.

  2. Awesome topic Valerie over diet crazes. It’s very easy for someone looking for information about proper nutrition and diet advice to get loss in the masses of information that is out there. I am one of those people that once looked for the right diet to help me lose weight. In the end I found out like you said, that you can’t just simply cut out a certain nutrient like carbs. I did this and lost a great amount of weight, but I lost too much muscle along with that weight and as soon as I ate carbs again I bloated up immensely with lots of water weight. I found out the hard way through lots of research and trials and errors that one must eat for quality of life, make healthy choices, and stay away from fast food. What you are going to provide to others will be greatly beneficial in helping them reach a better quality of life faster than I did.

  3. After spending years searching for the "best" diet, I too have found that it is unlikely that cutting certain nutrients out of your diet will lead to long term/ permanent weight loss. It is extremely tempting to try many of the common crash diets, because they seem to lead to fast, noticeable results. But following the cut of nutrients, it is common to feel the urge to binge eat, because your body is craving what it is no longer getting, leading to weight gain. It is important for people who are serious about losing weight to know that searching for the right diet is tough. It makes more sense to search for ways in which we should change our lifestyle, in order to lose the weight, and keep it off.
