Sunday, October 2, 2016

Gym Myth Buster

By now, most people in America are fully aware of the reality that obesity in adults, as well as our children, is a major concern. Approximately 1 in 3 adults is obese, and 1 in 7 high school students are as well.1 Most of us are also aware of many of the diseases associated with obesity.

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It’s easy to look at the statistics and come to the conclusion that many Americans are simply lazy. It’s easy to assume that we live in an era that is controlled by video games, iPads, and mobile devices, and that people these days just stay inside. I get it, for generations Americans have put their minds together to come up with ways to make tasks easier. As a result, life in 2016 is in many ways, easier than it was 50 years ago.

However, I am convinced that people ARE trying. I do not buy into the ever so popular idea that my generation and future generations are just people living off the hard work of those who came before us. I believe we are just as hard working and driven as we’ve ever been. The 20-30 billion dollars that Americans spend annually on weight loss plans, gym memberships, and supplements, are proof that we are desperately trying to get a grip on our health and wellbeing.2

With the awareness that now exists, along with the money that we spend in an attempt to get to a healthier place, why is it that we have not turned the obesity trends around? My belief is simply that as a country we are still very uneducated when it comes to nutrition, and how to workout properly. That lack of education combined with the fact that at every turn there is someone trying to capitalize, and make a buck off of us, because they know we are desperate, is the reason for this blog. Throughout this series I will shed some light on several myths within the industry, with the hope that my knowledge and experience will help someone get on the right track to achieving their fitness goals, and maybe even save some money.

1. Jaaskelainen, L. (2016). Topic: Health & Fitness Clubs. Retrieved September 15, 2016, from

2. Segal, L. M., MA, Rayburn, J., MPH & MArtin, A., MPH. (n.d.). Obesity Rates & Trends. Retrieved September 15, 2016, from


  1. Good blog! I agree with you. I think people are trying, they just don't exactly know what they are doing. I believe people are uneducated about overall health and fitness. Physical education has become less of a priority, especially in schools so it would make sense that people don't understand the right steps to take to stay healthy.

  2. I agree that some people use the lack of education on health and fitness to their advantage to make money. I look forward to reading your blogs.
