Sunday, October 23, 2016

Back and Biceps

Today, we get to start the fun part of the blog as we begin to take a quick glimpse into an actual workout sequence! We are going to start off with my favorite day. Today we will be working our back and biceps.

When working out, you normally work two muscle groups at a time, a major muscle and a minor muscle. Back and biceps work hand in hand. Your back and bicep muscles are your pull muscles3. They work together, exerting force to pull resistance toward your body3. Your back, consisting of your latissimus dorsi and rhomboid muscles, are larger muscles assisted by your biceps3. Since the two muscles work together, you must make sure to get a minute and a half to two minutes rest in between every set. Rest time in between sets is paramount in a quality workout1. Too much rest and you lose your pump1. Too little rest and you quickly fatigue the working muscle1.
The back exercises we are going to focus on today include2:
  • Wide grip lat pull down
  • One arm dumbbell row
  • Seated cable row

The bicep exercises we are going to focus on today include2:
  • Alternate incline dumbbell curls
  • Rope curls
  • High cable curls
When performing these exercises, you will start off with a back exercise, say the wide grip lat pull down, and do this for a set of 12 reps. Following the exercise, you will take your minute and a half to two minute rest, then do your bicep exercise, say alternate incline dumbbell curls for a set of 12 reps. Repeat this for 4 sets, first a set of 12, 10, 10 and then 8 reps. After completing the 4 sets, you will then move on to the next two exercises, one arm dumbbell row with the rope curls. Repeat with the same 4 sets of 12, 10, 10 and 8 reps, and then move on to the last two exercises, seated cable row with high cable curls.

Form is extremely important when performing these exercises. Always start with a low weight to make sure you have the form down. After you have mastered the form, you can challenge yourself with the weight. If you decide to really challenge yourself, make sure you have someone to spot you for safety.

Enjoy your back and bicep day!
Always remember to stretch the muscles you worked after your workout!
1By Phano Paul Som. (2004). Rest Between Sets! Retrieved October 06, 2016, from
2Middle-back Exercises & Middle-back Workouts. (n.d.). Retrieved October 06, 2016, from
3Which Muscles Work Together for Bodybuilding? (2015). Retrieved October 06, 2016, from

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