Sunday, February 7, 2016

Let's Talk About ADHD.

It is estimated that ADHD (attention deficit disorder) affects approximately 9 percent of American kids between the ages of 13 and 18 and approximately 4 percent of adults in America.1 As a matter of fact, ADHD is one of the most frequently diagnosed disorders in America and often, these children are placed on some sort of prescription at a young age to help manage the symptom or to have the ability to focus on schoolwork etc. However, are prescription drugs the true way to cure/treat this overdiagnosed disorder?

Symptoms of Children with ADHD:

  • Easily bored
  • Fidgets, squirms
  • Doesn’t listen well
  • Impatient
  • Difficulty organizing/completing tasks
  • Has difficulty following directions

Symptoms of Adults with ADHD:

  • Has a hot temper/Prone to get angry
  • Low tolerance of situations or people
  • Frequent mood swings
  • Restlessness
  • Disorganized

Many physicians and doctors are now attributing ADHD to the food Americans are putting in our bodies in addition to a possible genetic attribution, and/ or environmental factors. Regardless of the source, it is crucial that these individuals treat their ADHD, rather than mask it with a prescription drug (typically Adderall or Ritalin) which contains a long list of harmful side effects.2 For example Ritalin is known to stimulate the central nervous system which can cause vomiting, an increased heart rate, anxiety, agitation, nervousness and much more. Adderall is highly addictive and is known to cause tremors, high blood pressure, fast heart beats, mood swings, and even hallucinations.3

5 Natural Remedies for ADHD:
       1. Fish Oil (1,000 mg daily): Fish oil is one of the top foods for those with ADHD. They are both vital for optimal brain function and they are useful inflammatories as well. Fish oil may help those with ADHD to focus more efficiently, thus improve the learning process.
2.   B-Complex (50 mg daily)
  3. Multi-Mineral Supplement: This may include calcium, zinc, and/or magnesium. A deficiency in these minerals only enhances the ADHD symptoms.
4. Probiotics (20-50 billion units per day): Probiotics are crucial to maintaining digestive issues which can certainly affect ADHD and the surrounding symptoms.
5. GABA: GABA is a calming amino acid, but it should be discussed with a doctor prior to intake.

In addition to dietary changes, one with ADHD should aim to make lifestyle changes as well. Children with ADHD should be shown affection and also provided with opportunities to succeed. Give children with ADHD the reassurance that they do have the potential to be great. Also, regular playtime and physical activity is vital for children with ADHD. With physical activity, excess energy may be released, hormone levels may be regulated, and children’s bones and muscles will grow strong and health. Finally, children with ADHD should be provided with an efficient organizational system.

Adults with ADHD should also create an organizational system and should use technology to their advantage. It is also important that adults with ADHD get plenty of sleep in addition to exercise to both take time to relax and also stimulate muscles, nerves, etc.4

To summarize, those with ADHD should address any root issues along with symptoms and ways to treat these symptoms instead of resorting solely to prescription medication. With the assistance of the right combinations of foods and supplements, one with ADHD could efficiently ease the issues and improve in learning ability.   


Giustra-Kozek, J. (2014). Healing without hurting: Treating ADHD, apraxia, and autism spectrum disorders naturally and effectively without harmful medication. Howard Beach, NY: Changing Lives Press.

Natural Remedies for ADHD - (n.d.). Retrieved January 31, 2016, from

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