Saturday, February 27, 2016

All you need to know to keep yourself hydrated

The human body is comprised of 60-75% water. The human brain is about 80-90% water, blood is about 82% water, and lungs are about 83% water.1  Water is clearly important. Yet you may be surprised to know that about 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated.

Did you know:
  1. Even a drop of 2% body water can drastically decrease  performance and even cause shrinkage in the brain.
  2. Sometimes we interpret dehydration signals to be hunger signals. Hence if you feel hungry an hour or two after a meal, stop and drink a glass of water. If you still feel hungry, then it's a true hunger alarm.
  3. Excess tea and coffee can make an individual dehydrated because they act as a diuretic.

How do you know you are dehydrated:
  1. Dry lips- If you are reaching out to the chap stick too often, you are dehydrated.
  2. Dry mouth
  3. Darker urine
  4. Tiredness
  5. No tears while crying.

How much water do you need:
  1. Divide your weight (in pounds) by 2. The number that you get is the amount of water you need in ounces. This is not an exact number, but a ballpark of the amount of water that your body might need.
  2. Check your urine color. If it's a lemonade or dark yellow color, you are dehydrated. Sometimes dark color urine is followed by vitamin intakes too.

Why drink water:
  1. Healthy skin and hair
  2. Joint lubrication and dynamic movement
  3. An alert mind (Remember, the human brain is 80-90% water)
  4. Muscle building, since water circulates electrolytes and protein to the muscles
  5. Weight loss, since more water metabolizes more fat


Ways of adding more water to the diet:
  1. Flavor it up- add watermelon, oranges, melons to the water. You could add your favourite fruit.
  2. Eat spicy food. It will encourage you to reach out for more water and spicy food helps burn more calories.
  3. Keep water close to you.
  4. Eat your water- most fruits and vegetables have good amount of water. Add items like cucumber, celery, melons, oranges, green leafy vegetables, etc. to your diet.
  5. Have more soups but check the sodium contents in canned goods.
  6. Invest in a stylish water bottle so you flaunt while you drink.
  7. Drink before every meal. This will induce water and encourage portion control as well.
  8. Try honey cinnamon water.


Do not wait for your body to send thirst signals because thirst signals are the last resort that the body takes in order to rehydrate.
Do not be in the 75% population. Change that number. Grab your bottle.

1Donatelli.Joe. (2015). Is not drinking enough water really bad for me. retrieved from

1 comment:

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