Thursday, September 12, 2013

Obesity in America

Obesity in America has become a major problem and there are several factors as to why. According to the article “Obesity in America: What's Driving the Epidemic?” the obesity rate has increased 50 percent in the past 40 years, which means that two in every three American adults are now overweight or obese. As a health professional, I think this is something that should be taken seriously and we should take a stand. A major contribution to obesity is that more people are eating fast foods and not working out. Another factor affecting the rising rate of obesity is the school systems in America cutting out physical education, which I think is a problem because physical education is just as important as other subjects being taught to our youth. By cutting P.E. out of schools, children are starting to get taught that P.E. and working out is not important. These children then become grown-ups who have that mindset. Also, I think there should be more defined areas on what P.E. teachers should be teaching. School system need to weed out the old “roll out the ball” teachers, because this is not teaching our youth how to live a healthy life and to me this shows me that the teachers with the “roll out the ball” method really not taking their jobs serious.
Nightline did a background study to try to find out why obesity has risen even though the efforts to fix this growing problem have doubled. His video takes you into that study.


  1. I definitely agree that obesity in America has gotten out of hand and a good reason why it is so fast do start with the youth. I remember when I was in P.E. in kindergarten. The teacher had us playing fun, but very physically challenging games. Which helped us all develop our motor skills. Had it not been for the evolvement of every good P.E. teacher that did not just, “get out the ball,” but invested in my physical development I might not be a personal trainer now. I have always enjoyed working out and pushing my body to new limits. Looking back I now realized I got my roots in P.E.

  2. This article and video touches on many key points that I believe contribute to America’s obesity problem. I believe that this problem has arrived heavily in the past 20 years or so, for a variety of reasons. In the past few decades the technology field has grown, resulting in the higher usage of devices such as televisions, computers, video games, smart phones, and etc. This has a huge effect on the population. My parents who grew up in the 1950’s used to tell me that they would spend all day outdoors playing until dark. Kids today would rather spend their free time indoors playing on their new electronic devices instead of engaging in physical activity in the yard. Technology is one reason why I believe there is a high increase of obesity among kids and adults. Taking a look at adults, I think they have come into an age where they are rushed, especially when lunch is involved. During lunch hours they often feel like they are too rushed to go home and eat, so they choose to get something quick, and it is usually fast food. These foods are often processed, high in sodium, calories, and fat. Since fast food is quick most adults opt for it. I truly believe that if America would get up and enjoy the great outdoors they would be better off health wise.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Intramural sports give students the opportunity to play sports competitively or not competitively that don’t have the ability or skill to play at the collegiate level. There are many reasons why playing intramural sports benefit student’s lives. First of all, with today’s obesity problems, students are able to participate in sports to get exercise at a lower competition level. In a study done by John Todorovich in the JOPHERD, Todorovich found that participants attending schools with many intramural sports reported higher levels of vigorous physical activity than participants who attended schools with fewer intramural sports. Becoming involved in your favorite sports can help you relieve stress, boost morale, and socialize with teammates outside of the office according to the article “Getting Physical: The benefits of intramural sports.” This gives students a chance to get the exercise needed daily that otherwise may not be provided if not for intramural sports.

    Another and just as beneficial as exercise is the social aspect of that intramural sport provides students. There are a lot of teams in each sport provided at Tarleton State University. This gives students to be social with many students throughout each sport season. “Whether you're a new freshman looking to meet people and establish friendships, or you're a junior seeking to branch out of your group of friends, intramural sports forces you to get to know your teammates” according to Jane McGrath.

    Having the benefits of exercise and being social can help build the character of a young man or women. Intramural sports have many more benefits than just exercise and socialization, but I believe these two things are something every college student needs to be successful in their college career.
