Thursday, January 29, 2015

Back To Fitness Basics: A Lifestyle Change Starts With Small Steps

“The future depends on what you do today” -Mahatma Gandhi. We are all the result of our actions in the past. Our choices have shaped us and molded us into the people we are today. But you are here today for a lifestyle change. This blog today is to help you understand that, whether that goal is to gain muscle or lose weight, we all have to start with the basics.

One great way to start your change is to stock your kitchen with nutritional foods and remove any unhealthy foods. The typical American diet consists of processed foods with little to no nutritional value. Some examples of no nutritional value food that you may find are fast foods, sodas, and candy.  One easy healthy item add to your diet is any food item that has Omega 3 fatty acids in it.  Fish, eggs or any type of Omega 3 fatty acid supplement can be a great alternative to your red meats. “Omega-3s reduce blood clotting, dilate blood vessels, reduce inflammation, and act to reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels.”1

Another great place to start is to physically move more. Push yourself to be active everyday, whether it be walking during your lunch hour, actively visiting your local gym, or something as simple as throwing a football with your child at the park or in your back yard. The American Heart Association recommends thirty minutes of moderate-intense activity a day for five days of the week, totaling 150 minutes a week.2

Even if you have lived a sedentary life, you can still start today and make a lifestyle change. Start with little improvements each week to your daily diet and exercise habits. It can be as simple as eat better and move more each day. Make a decision today that your future self will thank you for.


1Omega-3s could combat negative effects of the western diet. (n.d.). Retrieved January 25,

2American heart association recommendations for physical activity in adults. (n.d.).

1 comment:

  1. Your blog provides great and simple tips to those who want to transition into a healthy lifestyle. What are your thoughts on adding extra supplements to their lifestyle, as well? I know certain supplement and nutritional organizations, such as Herbalife and Advocare target those who want to leave the sedentary lifestyle and become healthy.
