Thursday, September 25, 2014

Maintain a Healthy Diet, Even with the Pregnancy Cravings

There is no better time than during pregnancy to maintain a healthy diet. Everything a woman eats is directly linked to her baby’s growth and development. It is very important for a woman to provide all the proper nutrients her baby needs, and it is something that can definitely be accomplished.

How do I ignore the unhealthy “cravings” pregnancy brings?

Typically, women most commonly crave these five types of cravings: Sweet, Meaty, Salty/Savory, Spicy, and Thirst-Quenching.1 When these cravings come about, it is important to balance them, especially the less healthy. It is important to find healthy recipes that satisfy these cravings. When craving something sweet, result to fruit. Stick to lean meats and whole grains, also when craving salty/spicy make sure to stick to the recommended daily limit of 2300 mg of sodium.1 When a woman is craving something unhealthy, it is important to control portion size. More importantly, try to add something healthy to balance out that craving so your baby is still getting the nutrients he/she needs to be healthy. Also, it is important to avoid eating directly from the package or else portion control goes out the window.

How many extra calories does my baby need?

“Eating for Two” does not give a woman the entitlement to double her calories consumed in a day. In fact, no extra calories are even needed in the first trimester. About 300 extra calories are needed in the second trimester, and 450 extra calories in the third and final trimester.2 Pregnancy is not a time to diet to lose weight. It is important and healthy to gain weight during pregnancy, typically around 25 to 35 lbs for women who were a normal weight prior to pregnancy.2 This weight gain should be gained gradually. It is normal to gain between only one to five lbs in the first trimester. In the second and third trimesters, it is typical to gain about a pound per week.2

So when the cravings come, remember the importance of feeding your baby the nutrients he needs. Although it is OK to give in on occasion, try to find the healthy side to your cravings!

1Largeman-Ruth, F. (2014, April 1). Should I give in to my pregnancy food cravings? Retrieved September 21, 2014, from

2BabyCenter Medical Advisory Board. (2013, February 1). Pregnancy weight gain: What to expect. Retrieved September 21, 2014, from

1 comment:

  1. Eating healthy while pregnant is important for a woman, but eating healthy in a correct manner is more important. Over eating is easy with a mindset that you are eating for two.
