Sunday, February 14, 2016

Healthy Eating; making a lifestyle change

Adjusting and incorporating  healthy lifestyle changes requires commitment, diligence and  knowledge about the right type of food choices. It could be confusing because everyone has a different viewpoint about nutrition and the internet is flooded with various diets and tips.

  • Anything which  grows on trees or comes from a plant  is perishable as is labeled ‘real food’. Eating real food keeps  fat levels in control and ensures the body is not deprived of vitamins and minerals.

real food.png

  • All foods that which are made in a manufacturing plant,  come in boxes, wrappers, drive thru’s, vending machines are not real foods. These non-real foods come with extended shelf life,a  long list of ingredients, excess sugar, preservatives, color, artificial flavors and saturated fat.

  • Many manufacturers claim their product to be fat free, whole, organic, multi grain or zero trans fat. As mentioned last week, you must start reading labels (Food labels and what they mean) in order to determine the composition of the food that you are consuming. In few cases, if a food item is low fat, it may have enormous amounts of sodium that could lead to water retention and high blood pressures. In other cases, a food item could claim to be zero trans fat, but in reality, it may have high amounts of saturated fats.


  • The basic formula involves the increase of  real food and decrease in non-real foods. It is really that simple. Keep check of sugar levels. Sugar is extremely harmful and addicting; Here’s  why1:
  1. Sugar is an empty calorie  with no nutrient value.
  2. It is harmful for teeth. It provides easy digestible energy for the bacteria in the mouth.
  3. It burdens the liver because all the extra glucose is stored in liver. Once the storage space of liver is full, then liver converts it into fat and stores it in the adipose cells.
  4. Excess sugar could lead to Insulin Resistance; a metabolic disorder that could further lead to obesity, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes.
  5. Sugar causes inflammation.
  6. It is an addiction.
  7. Sugar increases the level of triglycerides, LDL’s,increase insulin levels and causes abdominal obesity.

Watch what you are purchasing and what you are eating because every single food item consumed has an impact.

1Gunnars, Kris. (2013). 10 Disturbing Reasons Why Sugar Is Bad For You. Authority Nutrition. retrieved from

2Overweight and Obesity Statistics. (2012). National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. retrieved from

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