Thursday, February 21, 2013

Home Workouts for the Entire Family

       Do you want to experience a fun and exciting workout? Are you tired of the same boring routine? Consider home workouts that the entire family can enjoy in the comfort and privacy of their own living room. Nintendo video games provide a modern twist to improve your health and fitness while providing a family bonding experience. The Nintendo Wii provides users with gaming options that involve aerobic exercises, yoga, strength training and even ways of cooling down after workouts. One game I really like is My Fitness Coach. This game provides the user with a virtual trainer who will coach the participants through a variety of cardiovascular exercises to get your family up and moving.
          The Nintendo DS provides games like What’s Cooking with Jamie Oliver and Gourmet Chef to promote healthy eating habits and recipes that the whole family can enjoy. These games give families a plethora of healthy recipes that can be put together to make a healthy meal of your choice. Why go out and buy books about healthy eating when you can discover the same thing on a video game at a much cheaper price? Families are able to save money and get to spend quality time together.
        Dance, box, or ski your way to good health with the Nintendo Wii or DS.  Who knew video games could provide a fun, wholesome workout or just a good meal at the end of the day for the entire family?

1 comment:

  1. This is such a good idea to get the whole family moving. It’s really important these days to get children more active as type 2 diabetes is becoming more prominent in younger people every day. What better way to get your children moving than with video games or at home entertainment. I’ve played tennis, yoga, and done bowling on the Wii fit and broke a sweat! So many families need ideas to get their families active as workdays become longer and obligations increase. Exercise and fitness is important to prevent disease and have a healthy lifestyle and this is a great way to combine the two.
