Sunday, January 31, 2016

Weighted Carries: Ancient Exercise for New Found Strength

The History of the Movement:
Picking up and carrying heavy objects has been a mode of transportation of goods and materials for as long as humans have been on this earth. Even the cavemen, if they had to move, had to gather their belongings and pack them on horses, or more than likely carry any food, clothing, materials, etc. As human beings,we were built to carry heavy objects and carry them for long distances. It is a primitive action; one that has been lost to some degree in the world of fitness. science fields it is often the golden rule to never make “absolute” statements, however in the case of weighted carries, they are truly FULL BODY exercises. Throughout the movement, no matter how you carry the weight/object, your entire body must be engaged and working from your toes all the way to your upper back; all must be working in synchronization to complete the movement.
When programming weighted carries into your fitness routine, there is no need to over complicate it. There is no magic formula to it; simply pick up weight, move it with good technique from point A to point B, set it down, repeat. Simple as that! The other benefit of weighted carries includes the variations that one can utilize and progress to/from. From a simple DB Farmers walk holding the DB’s at your sides, to a single arm overhead DB carry, to carrying weight through cones in a zig-zag pattern, etc.
How to add weighted carries to your workout routine: you go running for the 100lb dumbbells, trying to walk a mile, there are a few simple, quick tips to keep in mind when performing weighted carries:
  1. Form, form, form, and did I say form? Never sacrifice form to carry more weight. Keep your shoulders down and back, big chest, head in a neutral position, and focus on your grip.
  2. Breathe! Since you’re moving weights and focusing on so many things at once, remember to breathe in a slow and controlled pace, NOT heavy and panting.
  3. Steps- this is not an exercise that you would be taking leaping bounds, or 2 inch baby steps. Simply walk as you normally would in the grocery store or to your car. Take slow controlled steps.
  4. Volume- start at 4-6 sets of between 30-50 yards, depending on available space. Progress in weight or distance from week to week.
  5. Variation- do not be afraid to switch it up every few weeks or if you get bored. You can do dumbbell farmers walks, barbell front rack walks, overhead barbell hold walks, etc. (Space and equipment permitting of course)
Picking up objects and moving them is in our blood, our DNA, it’s how we did things from the beginning of time.,  still today from time to time; so we should be good at it right? If you want to tap into a new area of strength gains, go ancient in the gym: pick up weights, move it from point A to point B, repeat, and get stronger! Happy lifting and happy carrying.
  1. Facing a Japanese night attack on New Guinea. (n.d.). Retrieved January 21, 2016, from World War 2 Today website:
  2. Farmers Walk. (2012, February 23). Retrieved January 21, 2016, from

1 comment:

  1. I agree how weighted carries can be utilized within a strength program and I program them in my strength programs for athletes.
