Thursday, December 19, 2013

Do I Need a Twitter?

K.P. Kelly is a Marketing Consultant and a Social Media Advocate.  He recently shared his thoughts on Twitter and I thought his comments were spot-on.  I hope that you enjoy his post!

I am often asked, “Do I need Twitter.” This is typically asked by people who utilize Facebook but have not yet started to utilize Twitter.  While there are people for whom Twitter would not be either useful or entertaining, for the vast majority of people asking me if they need Twitter, my answer is, YES!

Twitter, to me, is the Mecca of social networking.  Most people copy and share all of their content from other social networks on Twitter.  Twitter is quickly becoming the go-to place for news, entertainments, and online socializing.  To dismiss or ignore Twitter is to make a mistake.

Twitter is vital not just because of the way in which it brings real-time news and information to us, but because it provides an opportunity for you to build the brand of you and to add value to this world on a world-wide scale.  In our modern technological world, everyone has an online identity.  Your online identity exists whether you want it to or not.  Information about you is out there.  Twitter provides an opportunity for you to control the narrative of your online identity and to build your own brand.

When you tweet, you are building your identity.  You are showing people what you are about.  You will probably tweet some jokes. You will tweet news. You will tweet about your day and perhaps about an area of expertise for you.  You are letting the world know who you are, what you are about, and how you can add value.

Building your brand online through Twitter is especially important in today's job market.  Most prospective employers will check your Twitter. If you have a Twitter, you have control of the brand in which they will view.  If you do not have Twitter, they may choose someone that does because they can learn more about that person, or they may dig deeper into the Internet and find a brand of you that you don't want out there, like college drinking photos that you deleted from Facebook but did not realize employers could still find. Don't let that happen to you.  Create a Twitter account and get started tweeting today.

Don't let others dictate the narrative of your brand and your online identity.  Take control by utilizing Twitter to build your own brand.

K.P. Kelly is the Co-Founder and Director of Share4Kids.  The folks at the Kinesiology & Sport Review love the fact that K.P. is also a Marathon Runner, Coffee Addict, and Network-aholic.  You can connect with K.P. on Twitter ... follow him @KP_Kelly .


  1. This is a great article with spot-on thoughts. The social media "craze" is not going away, we must either embrace it or fall further behind. When used correctly, social media can be one of the most useful tools in your belt.

  2. I fully agree with this article. Twitter is the next big thing in social media. Twitter has position its self as a possibility to be established like Google. Facebook has a chance to run its course. More and more people are slowing down from Facebook. Great article!

  3. I agree with that we need a twitter, because I have teachers that use twitter to let their students know about class and work and it really does help out a lot.

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