Sunday, April 24, 2016

The Powers of Turmeric

The Power of Turmeric

Turmeric is an ancient form of medication which has been used for hundreds of years. Turmeric actually comes from the curcuma longa plant which is traditionally boiled, dried, and ground into a powder. Both the Chinese and Indian origin have used turmeric for healing purposes and the health benefits remain powerful still today.1 Turmeric has a warm, peppery flavor which has been utilized in a variety of seasonings and is what gives curry its yellow color.

The key in turmeric which gives it it’s wonderful health benefits and properties, is the compound curcumin. While curcumin does contain side effects, the health benefits profoundly outweigh any potential negatives. These health benefits are seen with and throughout the body.2

Curcumin has been proven to work in the following ways:3

  • Increase lifespan
  • Protect the “liver oxidative stress”
  • Kill fungus more than ginger, clove, or oregano
  • Induce tumor cell death
  • Kill bladder cancer cells
  • Kill lung cancer cells
  • Lower blood cholesterol levels
  • Protect against memory defects

While the list of healing powers associated with turmeric curcumin seem endless, turmeric is known to help heal the following conditions:

  1. Chronic Inflammation: Turmeric is known to reduce inflammation within the body, including the gut. Curcumin is one of the most potent anti-inflammatory agents in the world (many find it more effective than even Aspirin, Advil, or Motrin).In addition, while drugs contain side effects, turmeric has very few so it may prove safer in the long run.
  2. Arthritis: Due to the fact that turmeric is anti-inflammatory, turmeric is known to help those with arthritis and joint pain. Several studies suggest that a supplemental intake of turmeric may help reduce the risk for arthritis development.
  3. Depression: Curcumin is surprisingly able to control depression symptoms as one of the principles in curcumin is just as effective as Prozac.4
  4. Diabetes: Turmeric reduces blood sugar levels and provides reverse insulin resistance. As a matter of fact, turmeric has shown to be 400 times more effective for treating diabetes than the common drug Metaform. Turmeric improves metabolic function and reduces the risk of plaque buildup.5
  5. Cancer: Recent studies show that turmeric is a powerful cancer-killer. Curcumin inhibits cancer cell growth and boost antioxidant levels to in turn, kill cancer cells. It improves mitochondrial function and it promotes the metabolism.
  6. Skin and Aging: Turmeric is known to help the skin. It’s antibacterial, so it’s great for blemishes, acne, or other skin imperfections.
  7. Brain Health and Memory: Turmeric provides the brain with oxygen which helps memory and overall health.

Overall, turmeric is a powerful antioxidant which is beneficial to one’s health and nutrition. It should be considered over pharmaceutical drugs for any health condition and should be utilized on a consistent basis.  


20 Health Benefits of Turmeric | Eat This! (2015). Retrieved April 24, 2016, from

Turmeric Benefits Superior To 10 Medications At Reversing Disease. (2014). Retrieved April 24, 2016, from

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