Wednesday, April 2, 2014

My O.C.D. Workout Routine

Organized, Consistent and Disciplined (O.C.D.). ‘O.C.D.’ is commonly connected to negative attributes; but simply change the acronym’s definition and it becomes an equation for success.

This equation is the base to any effective fitness routine. Organization begins with a comprehensive assessment, followed with the construction of a mesocycle involving four, four week microcycles. Any limitations discovered during the assessment are addressed and incorporated within the warm-up and strength-training workout plans.

Consistency is the ‘action’ of following the prescribed program and Discipline is acting differently than I feel. When the O.C.D. approach is applied results surface and goals are achieved.



  1. I love that you describe discipline as acting differently than you feel. That is probably the toughest battle that many people have to fight when it comes to staying physically active. We let so many other aspects of our lives get to us mentally. Having the discipline to act like we always feel full of energy is a tough trait, but it pays off in so many ways when a person can do this!

  2. Discipline is a big part of the battle when people choose to be physically active. For some it is very hard to get motivated, but acting different than you feel really helps people push through the workout. If we can create this mindset that we are energized to workout, once we start the workout it truly does help us ease are way into it.
