Friday, January 24, 2014

The Virtue of Physical Education

Moral education for an adolescent is undoubtedly the most important education one can receive. More than any specific academic subject he will encounter, a student will be most affected throughout life by the moral compass that he has developed as a young person. The classic virtues of discipline, teamwork, and respect are not instinctual but are learned each day via practice. With that being said, every educator is responsible for implementing moral development and enrichment into their curriculum.  
The setting of physical education allows for a unique opportunity to develop moral character. Outside the confines of a normal classroom, students operate in a different laboratory for the application of skills learned. Physical education, whether centered around games and activities, the learning of new physical skills, or team sports, highlights some of the most important components of moral education—discipline, respect, fairness, cooperation, and more.
Physical education serves the increasingly important role of instilling the habits of physical activity in the routines of young people. Physical activity is directly connected to moral education through a variety of emotional and psychological benefits that promote healthy lifestyles. Not only does physical education have the inevitable role of creating healthier adults, but its duty also consists of facilitating a positive and continued avenue to teach morals to today’s youth.  


  1. I enjoyed that you incorporated and correlated moral education with habits. The more you practice and respond to a particular task the more permanent that reaction/response becomes. Therefore, if the youth is not educated and held accountable to virtuous decision their future action/decision will jeopardize their overall character and the character of those around them. The implementation of moral education in to physical education is indisputably vital. Good Stuff.

  2. I agree that you did a great job with mixing moral development and habits. Both should be compared in the same category. Physical Education needs to have an acquired pattern of behavior that has become almost involuntary as a result of frequent repetition. Great work!
