Friday, April 19, 2013

Food & Metabolism

Everybody burns fuel (food) at different rates.  The rate at which you burn your fuel depends on your individual metabolism which can be impacted by your body’s reaction to stress and hormone levels, body ratio (lean muscle vs. fat), and physical activity.  Exercise and nutrition plans that might help one person lose weight, may cause another person to gain weight.   Therefore, it is important to choose a plan that is right for you.
When choosing a nutrition plan you should focus on foods which most effectively and efficiently fuel your body.  Haylie Pomroy, author of The Fast Metabolism Diet recommends that you focus on what is best for you and your metabolism.  Specifically, she states “The foods you eat and the lifestyle you choose should create energy and strength for you, not fatigue, obesity, sickness, desperation, or self-loathing.”  Many studies have revealed that “once you’ve slowed down your metabolism, the metabolic rate does not easily return to normal, even after resuming a normal diet.”  According to Pomroy, dieters who starve themselves end up sabotaging their progress.  “When you starve yourself, your body adjusts to subsist on a smaller number of calories by slowing down your metabolism. That means that whenever you go off your diet, you’re likely to gain weight with a vengeance. Your body is just trying to save you from future famine.” 
Take this into consideration when you are researching which nutrition plan, or diet as they are often called, is best for you.  Pay close attention to any strict or excessive restriction of any one nutrient.  In the end, a healthy, well-balanced nutrition plan will produce the most effective results and keep your metabolism charged.
Pomroy, Haylie, “The Fast Metabolism Diet” is available on

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