Reflexology: What is it?
By: Kyle Magyar
A little history….
Reflexology’s origin has been disputed to be from China or Egypt. There are some depictions in the Egyptian hieroglyphs as far as 4,000 B.C. This method is believed to help relieve stress, cure illnesses, remove pain, and relieve headaches. Reflexology is growing increasingly popular across Europe and Asia as both a complement to other treatments and as a preventive measure. One example is Denmark, where various municipalities and companies have employed reflexologists since the early '90s.1 This new spark of interest is now starting to make its way and hoping to share its benefits.
What is Reflexology?
Reflexology is believed to be able to bring homeostasis back to the body by applying pressure to certain parts of your feet, hands, and ears. Reflexology aims to treat the imbalances of each individual and to alleviate and improve symptoms. It does not however diagnose a specific medical problem.2 A example of how they believe this works is that, any pressure applied to the left foot can affect all organs and extremities on the left side of the body. The picture shown depicts where in the body reflexology can affect if pressure is applied to that certain part of the foot.
In the U.S there are three levels of certification you can obtain to be a Reflexologist. There is a Reflexology Practitioner, Certified Reflexologist, and a Master Reflexologist. The Reflexology Certification Board was created in 2005 and decides your level of certification from reviewing your experience in that field. To qualify for a certification, a person must have completed a minimum of 30 hours on hand reflexology training or 110 hours of foot reflexology training.3
1University of Minnesota. (May 10, 2016). Reflexology. Retrieved from
3Relfexology Schools. Reflexology Certification. Retrieved from
This is a very interesting concept. Before reading this blog, i have never heard of reflexology, let alone understanding its uses for lack of a better term, rehabilitation. Its amazing to me how interconnected the human body is with itself. Reflexology depicts this idea perfectly. I would like to experience this and see how it feels. I think it can do wonders for the human body and a great substitute for prescription drugs. This was a very informative blog and should peak anyone's curiosity who's involved in some type of healthcare.