Sunday, October 30, 2016

Gym Myth-Buster (Spot Reduction)

Slim Belly And Measure TapeSpot reduction is the idea that a person can reduce fat at the area of their choice without affecting other parts of the body. This is a very common myth. Many believe that if they are seeking flat abs that doing 2,000 sit ups or doing hip hop abs or other various commercial workouts is the best way to achieve their goals. It does seem perfectly reasonable to assume that while working out, the fat would tend to come off the area that you are working. Unfortunately, this is not true.

A study from the University of Massachusetts showed that participants were asked to only train abs, and fat biopsies were gathered from the buttocks, abs, and upper back both before and after the training phase. The results revealed that all three areas had seen similar results. Fat had decreased in the upper back and buttocks despite a lack of training.1

The fact is that fat cells exist in a form known as triglycerides. Muscles, however cannot directly use triglycerides as fuel. Fat has to first be broken down into glycerol and free fatty acids, which then enter the bloodstream. As a result the fat that is used by the body as fuel can come from anywhere. Where the body decides to pull the fat from often has much more to do with a person's genetics.2

Perhaps the reason that spot training is often practiced is because of the fact that it will yield small results. However results seen at the targeted area are often so minimal that many people become discouraged. So what should we do?

Studies have shown that a proper resistance training routine along with adequate cardio and balanced nutrition plan will help us achieve the best results. It all comes back to basics. We must find a way to burn more calories than we consume. By engaging all areas of the body, exercisers will notice increase in total body strength and they will also have more well developed muscles when body fat is reduced. Through patience, determination, and consistency those abs will come, but it could possibly be the last place your body decides to burn fat regardless of your wishes or how hard you train your abs.

1Thompson, J. (2014, August 25). Fitness Advice | Training Tips | Horizon Fitness. Retrieved October 14, 2016, from

2Perry, E. (2011, April 3). Yale Scientific Magazine. Retrieved October 14, 2016, from

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1 comment:

  1. Great post! You clearly understand this material well, and you did a great job at informing the reader about it. It's amazing how ill-informed the public can be about this, so I am glad you brought this up. You should talk about how to do the balanced resistance training program and aerobic program later on. I think you would do great with that one as well.
