When I began my graduate assistantship with Worksite Wellness, I was so excited to start working with employees and helping them get healthy! I thought that planning activities, providing seminars, hosting events with prizes, etc. would entice employees enough to jump on the health/wellness train. I was wrong. Participation numbers were nowhere near what I imagined. This was a lot harder that what I anticipated. I forget that not everyone is passionate about fitness and living healthy lifestyles. While there are many individuals that are very active in our program, there are others that are motivated differently and I have not provided them with the motivation they need. I have learned a lot since I have filled this position, and plan to continue learning. I will discuss three things I have learned thus far:
- 2) You have to find out what they employees want you to provide to them, and
- 3) you have to inspire them.
First of all, I can not try to do all of the motivating. I can provide it initially, but if employees do not develop their own motivation for sticking to their commitments, then they will not have lasting results. When employees experience success, they are more motivated to continue participating.
Secondly, I can plan all kinds of things that I think will be enjoyable, but if it is not what the employees want then it won’t be successful. Worksite Wellness is for employees, therefore everything that goes on within the department needs to be catered to their desires. If they want more social gatherings to mingle with other departments on campus, then we will plan a healthy smoothie party or a campus wide 5k during the day. Listening to employees is the best way to get them involved.
Lastly, they have to be inspired. If I am demanding or snobby when communicating, I will get nowhere. Relationships needs to be built and people have to be inspired by me. When people feel encouraged, they feel important. When they feel important, they work better. And it all starts with inspiration.
It think that employee wellness is a great benefit to both employees and businesses. When employees are well, they work better. When they work better, businesses are more successful. I love my job!
1Employee Health | Corporate Wellness | Patient Motivation. (n.d.). Retrieved May 23, 2016, from http://michellesegar.com/organizations/
2Borenstein, L. (2015). Employee Wellness Programs Are Due for an Overhaul. Retrieved May 23, 2016, from https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/244040
Your three points are so true. Though you can be the inspiration and initial motivator, the people you work with have to want to do the activities you provide. Without that, you can't get very far. Great blog!