If you did not get a chance to check out my blog on the first level of leadership check it out here. In this blog, I will further discuss the next level of leadership and provide some helpful tips to go along. To some, this next level may seem elementary because you may already have reached the pinnacle of leadership. Allot, those who recently have been positioned in a leadership role or notice that you are stuck in the first level of leadership, look no more.
Level 2: From Positional Leader to Permission Leader
The transformation from positional leader to a permission leader opens up the first real step into leadership. This level of leadership is important because, now the followers have given you permission to lead them.1 Unlike, a positional leader, your followers will no longer be forced to do things because of obligation, they will now be willing to do things because they want to follow you. Remember, leadership is influence, nothing more, nothing less.2
Building relationships breaks down barriers and develops a foundation to effectively lead other.1 The more barriers that are broken down in the beginning, the deeper the relationship, and the bigger the foundation for leading others becomes; talk about changing an entire work environment. People will do more, give more, and work harder when they feel valued and trusted by their leader.1 When you find yourself in the position to change or improve the work environment remember these things:
· The first step to connecting with people, is connecting with yourself. Understand and love the person you have become. You will never reach people if you can’t do this.
· Develop a people oriented leadership style. Listen, learn, then lead.
· Do onto others as you would want them to do onto you.
· Become the chief encourager of your team.
· Be willing to have those tough conversations. The right amount of care balanced with the right amount of candor creates developing relationships.1
Now that you have been familiarized with the second level of leadership, continue to implement this level of leadership in all areas of your life. Join me for next week’s blog where I will share with you the third level of leadership.
1Harris, B. (2016). The bison way. Cultivating a culture of champions. Retrieved May 30, 2016, from http://strengthperformance.com/video/the-bison-way-cultivating-a-culture-of-champions
2Maxwell, J. C. (1960). The 5 levels of leadership: Proven steps to maximize your potential. United States: Center Street.
I completely agree. Leadership is making people want to follow you because of the example you set, as opposed to following you because they feel like they have to. Work quality is much better when people by into your plan, and see value in your instruction.