Cognitive behavioral techniques are effective tools that influence a behavior change by targeting how people think and feel about being physically active. The first step in using cognitive techniques is to identify problematic beliefs, a.k.a stinking thinking, that are barriers to change. The next step is to change these beliefs. Cognitive behavior techniques are effective when used alone and when used together with other behavior-change strategies. Some of the most effective techniques used are goal setting, feedback, decision making, and self-monitoring1
-Feedback- Feedback can be either intrinsic or extrinsic. The most common feedback used is extrinsic, which includes the reinforcement and encouragement received by the person's support network. However, long-term program adherence is dependent on a person’s ability to provide internal feedback.1
-Decision Making- Decision making is reflective of a person’s ability to control a situation and choose appropriately among alternative courses of action.1 Doing the right thing all the time, no matter who is watching. Making the correct decision to eat healthy instead of stopping off at a fast food restaurant.
-Self-monitoring- Self-monitoring helps a person keep track of adherence to their program and the progress they are making. This step requires honesty and self-reflection. This step can be done most effectively by keeping a journal that records a person’s workouts and track what they did.
Cognitive behavioral techniques are effective tools that will influence the way you behave and the way you think about being physically active. Using these techniques, might not only get you into a healthy workout routine, but it might keep you there.
1Bryant, C. X., & Green, D. J. (2010). ACE personal trainer manual: The ultimate resource for fitness professionals. San Diego, CA: American Council on Exercise.
2 S.M.A.R.T. goal setting | SMART | Coaching tools | YourCoach Gent. (n.d.). Retrieved May 22, 2016, from
I enjoyed reading your blog Rick. This is great for beginners who need that extra motivation as they set out their goals. It's a great way technique for goal setting!