The first type is ballistic stretching. Ballistic stretching is when the body or limb bounces into the stretch position.1 This kind of stretching isn’t used very often. It can be harmful if used improperly. An example is when you do a side lunge and bounce up and down trying to get lower and lower with each bounce.
The second type is dynamic stretching. Dynamic stretching is when someone gradually increases their range of motion through movements. This type of stretch is used before activity and is most beneficial.2 Athletes and people getting ready to workout should do some type of dynamic stretch beforehand. An example of dynamic stretching would be leg sings or arm swings done at a slow and controlled rate.

These three types of stretches are the most used and the most talked about. Dynamic and static stretching are used almost all of the time in the athletic training room. We have to know about ballistic stretching and how dangerous it can be to our athletes so we don’t hurt them. Stretching is something that is used for good but used in the wrong manner can be hurtful.
1Types of Stretching. (n.d.). Retrieved April 17, 2015, from http://people.bath.ac.uk/masrjb/Stretch/stretching_4.html
2Types of stretches. (n.d.). Retrieved April 17, 2015, from http://www.humankinetics.com/excerpts/excerpts/types-of-stretches
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