The Repetition Effort Method (REM)
is the third and final method involved in the conjugate system. The REM is
designed to create myofibril and sarcoplasmic hypertrophy and to strengthen
weaknesses in trainees, such as poor glute activation.1 The REM
utilizes high reps of 8-15 to promote hypertrophy and increase the size and
strength of muscles. The REM can be used to recruit different types of
hypertrophy depending on the trainee’s individual needs. For instance, if the
trainee were an athlete, reps of 8-12 would be used to promote myofibril
hypertrophy. This produces an increase in the amount of actin and myosin within
the muscle, making them bigger and stronger.2 If the individual is
not an athlete, and exercises to improve their appearance, the REM can be
utilized with reps of 12-15 in order to promote sarcoplasmic hypertrophy. This
will increase the amount of sarcoplasmic fluid in the muscle cells, but does
not necessarily increase strength of the muscles.
The second function of the REM is
to correct weaknesses or imbalances in the individual’s skeletal muscle system
– for instance poor glute activation, which is very common in western societies.
The REM will utilize high reps of an exercise directed at the glutes, such as single
leg Romanian dead lifts to improve neuromuscular activity and correct the trainee’s
individual weaknesses3. Using the REM to correct imbalances and
weaknesses is an invaluable tool for injury prevention.
This concludes my four-part
series on the conjugate system. I hope you found it informative and will
incorporate the conjugate system into your own health and fitness training.
Remember there are no perfect programs and no substitute for HARDWORK.
1. Louis Simmons. Westside Barbell 2009
2. Zatsiorsky, V.M. Science and Practice of
Strength Training 1995
3. Viru, Atko. Adaptation in Sport Training
When I work out I usually do small reps, the reason I am working out is to build up my muscles, and I don’t use any type of program. After reading up on the Conjugate system The REM method seems to fit what I want to accomplish. I will now start to increase my reps from 4 to 6 and now do 8 to 12. With the information above I’ve found out that doing it this way will increase the amount of actin and myosin, which makes the muscles bigger and stronger, and that is what I think will work well for me.