Saturday, October 12, 2013

Faith & Fitness

In today’s post, I will be referring to my Christian faith as it relates to fitness. Please have an open mind and let me know your thoughts!
            Physical fitness is important as it builds a strong character, it is a facilitator for positive energy, and because taking care of our body is pleasing to God. In order to maintain this physical well-being, we must find a balance between muscular strength, endurance, nutrition, flexibility, rest, and emotional, but also spiritual wellness.

            God has given us the ability to make choices and the consequences of those choices determine the quality of the outcome. When a person is in great physical shape, they feel more vibrant, more capable, and have the ability to effectively handle life's ups and downs – ultimately get the most out of their life. So, while working out can seem unpleasant at the time, disciplining our bodies brings righteousness and joy. A deeper level of joy can always be found when exercising, if you do so for the glory of God.   

            Teaching people to treat their body with respect is something that I emphasize in training sessions, as well as in life. God’s Word teaches us that our bodies are “temples” that belong to Him. We are commanded to treat our bodies with respect and decency. It is in God’s will “that each one of [us] knows how to control his own body in holiness and honor”. (1 Thes 4:4) This is the foundation of the Faith & Fitness movement that has begun in a small section within the fitness community.


  1. Amen and amen! I would expect more Believers would come to the realization that their bodies are, "Holy Temples," and workout more to take care of their selves. Yet, that doesn’t happen. Just like obesity plagues America, it plagues the church as well. Sometimes I think Believers can use their faith to over indulge when eating and drinking. They forget gluttony is a SIN and is equally important like any of the other sins. Although, there is hope for Believers and Unbelievers yet, it is faith filled Personal Trainers like us that can dive in to rescue all those that are drowning in poor health and gluttony.

  2. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
    "Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body."
    Not only were we placed on this early for Him, but we were put here to spread the Word and make Him proud. By giving thanks to the One who created us, not only will we be giving proper praise, but we can only grow and prosper.
    Being fit in mind, body, soul, and Spirit is a huge challenge for people. These days, I constantly hear people say that they workout because they want to "look good naked". People forget that our bodies are a temple and we should take care of it accordingly; not to specifically please the eye or others. Praise, hard work, and perseverence will get you where you want to be.

  3. Sounds in the vein of a great weekend! I watched "After ground for the first time on Saturday and it was a good movie. You're right...the critics were way too hard on that film! I also watched the marathons of Undercover Boss, in somebody's company with the Moe's one. I can't say that I like Moe's so much, however the show brought me to tears yet over again Have you ever watched Bar Rescue? I believe it comes on TNT or FX. Confirm it out on the weekends if you get the chance. Great post!

  4. Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therfore honor God with your bodies. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

    I think this is a topic in the church that a lot of believers do not discuss for some reason. We look at versus regarding the body and relate them immediately to drugs, alcohol, tobacco and things that most people don't deal with. Instead we should also focus on our diets and the amount of physical activity that we put on our bodies. I have been looking at the benefits that a recreation center can bring to churches and communities. A statement that I hear from a lot of Christians on why they choose not to go to the gym ranges from not knowing how to use equipment to a comment that is not often thought of and that is the lack of modesty of clothing that some gyms allow members to wear. A recreation center sponsored by a church could bring a wide variety of benefits to a church congregation and an entire community.

  5. I'm glad you brought this topic up. Faith and Fitness can easily be grouped together because both are a part of overall wellness. Over the summer, I took a health and wellness course, and it taught me a lot about overall health and two major components are fitness and faith. The fact is that working out and staying in shape, although tough at the time, helps tremendously with dealing with daily stresses. Faith also helps deal with daily stresses, so both together is extremely helpful to living a healthy lifestyle.

  6. I definitely agree with the idea of Faith and Fitness. Fitness is a big key to being happy. If you look good you feel good. Being able to have a relationship with God is only going to make your life easier. If you have strong faith and you believe in him, then you will want to take care of your body as best you can. Like mentioned in the blog, are bodies are holy temples, and we should treat it with respect and keep it looking good.
