Thursday, October 29, 2015

Ways to keep your child active

With today’s world many children young and old spend much more time doing activities in the home instead of being out and active.  This could be due to many factors such as technology in the form of computers, video games, and television.  The effects of lack of exercise can lead to several negative factors such as obesity, weaker muscles, and bones, increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes, higher blood pressure, and cholesterol levels, and a more negative outlook on the world.1  However, many children do not understand or really consider these issues. So, what can you do to motivate children to stay active and participate in physical activities? Listed are a few suggestions and things that may help.   

  • image from
    One of the best things you can do is know your child and pick the right activity for them.  This involves knowing what they like and do not like and what they think would be interesting.  This could also involve knowing their abilities and limitations.  So, picking the right activity for your child will keep your child from becoming bored or frustrated.2

  • A second thing you might do is make sure they have plenty of opportunity for physical activities by making sure you regularly take them to places they can participate in activities as well as provide any equipment they may need to participate in an activity.2  To help in this, check the internet for local places and organizations that provide activities for children as well as call on people you know to find out if they know any great organizations or activities in the local area. In regards to equipment, a quick trip to your local sports store and conversation with an employee there would set you in the right direction.

  • Most of all, when motivating your child to be active make sure whatever the activity is they are having fun and enjoy it. This is easily done by observing and questioning your child during and after the activity.

So get your child motivated and excited about exercise by taking an active role in facilitating that desire in them.  Be a good role model and be active yourself if possible, and never give up staying focused on the best thing for your child.

1Lack of exercise for children. (2015). Livestrong. Retrieved October 10, 2015 from

2Motivating kids to be active. (2004). Kids Health. Retrieved October 10, 2015 from

image retrieved from

1 comment:

  1. This is a great article Matt, things are way different from when I grew up and today. It was cool if you could spend all day outside and hangout with friends, and now its like no kids even want to go outside and do things. It should be mandatory that parents make their kids spend a certain amount of time outside everyday they can.
