Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease is a very common and under diagnosed disease.1 Approximately 15 million people have been diagnosed with COPD in America this year.2 This results in the difficulty breathing in COPD patients. Cigarette smoking causes 80 – 90% of all COPD cases.2 The biggest population of this disease is often referred to as the “Baby Boomer” generation. This generation grew up in a time where smoking was acceptable anywhere you went and they didn’t know the harm they were causing on their bodies.
When a healthy person breathes, the air travels through thousands of little bronchial tubes in your lungs to little air sacs called alveoli.2 The alveoli expand as you breathe in and shrink to its normal size when you breathe out.2 The alveoli in a COPD person’s lung become stretched out and lose their elasticity, which causes trapping of excess air in the lungs.2
The common symptoms of COPD are coughing, shortness of breath and fatigue but they may often be mistaken for old age or being out of shape.2 COPD is a progressive disease. The following common symptoms will increase and other symptoms may begin occurring, such as:
· Higher frequency of pneumonia and lung infections.2
· Wheezing 2
· Coughing up mucus or phlegm.2
· Weight loss 2
It is very easy to exacerbate the symptoms of COPD, so it’s important to avoid these triggers so you can keep your symptoms to a minimum.
Put Pulmonary Rehabilitation Into Your Own Hands - Whole Health Insider. (2012, July 30). Retrieved September 21, 2015. |
· Quit smoking and avoid areas where smoking is permitted.2
· Keep your home clean and free from mold and dust.2
· Use a cooking vent to keep cooking fumes out of your home.2
· Avoid large crowds.2
· Try to avoid cold air.2
· Use pursed lip breathing as often as possible, as this helps keep alveoli open in your lungs.
· Exercise at your own pace with monitoring if possible.
COPD is a progressive disease and it will be with you forever. Knowing these symptoms, avoiding the triggers and using these breathing techniques will help you manage your COPD.
1Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis. 2015 Aug 28;10:1711-8. doi: 10.2147/COPD.S84247. eCollection 2015
2Common COPD Signs and Symptoms. (2001, January 8). Retrieved September 13, 2015.